Frequently Asked Question for PLS Applications ============================================== Q: Why the figures in UserGuide.htm cannot be displayed? A: Those figures are stored in our website, you need to connect to internet in order to view them. If you still have problem to view the figures, please check the webpage address of the User Guide for PLS Applications. Make sure it is: Q: Besides GUI interface, how can I get meaningful information directly from PLS result file (i.e. *result.mat)? A: In "result" structure variable, there is a field called "field_descrip", which is a mapping list between all the field names in result variable and their meaningful names. Q: Can I enter decimal number in "Onsets" field for MRI study? A: Yes, you can. However, since the smallest unit is a scan (i.e. 1 TR), the PLS application will round your decimal number to integer. If you selected "Use HRF instead of Block length", we adopted some feature from SPM. Instead of only using 1 time bin, SPM increases the Microtime resolution 16 times. This may bring some benefit if you input decimal onset time directly, though eventually the length of convolved onsets is still the number of scans (i.e. one scan is still the smallest unit). If you input decimal onset time directly, please make sure that your slices must be in sequential order rather than interleaved order. Also, please make sure that your slices must be in ascending order (i.e. 1st slice is at bottom) instead of descending order or rounding order. Otherwise, you must enter integer for the onset time. For all other fMRI PLS, since they are either based on temporal window or block length, there is no chance to take decimal onset time. If you do input decimal onsets, they will be rounded to the bottom slice using "round" function (before Feb 24, 2011, they were rounded using "floor" function). Q: How many LVs do I have? A: The number of LVs that generated by our PLS applications is determined by which option that you choose to run PLS: For Mean-Centering PLS: nLVs = nConditions x nGroups; For Non-Rotated Task PLS: nLVs = nContrasts; For Regular Behavior PLS: nLVs = nConditions x nGroups x nBehaviorMeasure; For Multiblock PLS: nLVs = nConditions x nGroups + nConditions x nGroups x nBehaviorMeasure; For Non-Rotated Behavior PLS: nLVs = nContrasts; For Non-Rotated Multiblock PLS: nLVs = nContrasts; There are also several restrictions: 1. Since nConditions only provide nConditions-1 degrees of freedom, the maximum number of contrasts is limited by nConditions; 2. In order to run Behavior PLS, you need to have at least 3 subjects; 3. In order to run Mean-Centering PLS, you need to have at least 2 conditions. However, if you have only 1 condition and you have more than 1 groups, our PLS will reconstruct datamat so that it will become single group with multiple conditions. Q: Which side is the left side of my image? A: If your raw image is in NIfTI format, PLS will interpret the header and display it in RAS orientation. i.e. from Left to Right on X axes, from Posterior to Anterior on Y axes, and from Inferior to Superior on Z axes. Therefore, left side is the left side of your image. If your raw image is in ANALYZE format, PLS will display whatever orientation in raw image, since there is no affine matrix in its header. However, you can change orientation when you create the datamat. Q: Can I use ANALYZE image with different orientation? A: Yes. A new feature has been added to the version of Oct. 29 in 2004. This allows people to use ANALYZE images in any orientation for PET, Structural, E.R.fMRI and Blocked fMRI. In "Create Datamat" window, a new button named "Check image orientation" is added beside the "Create" button. Once you click this button, the 3 Cardinal Plane View of one of the subject images will be displayed in the "Change Image Orientation" window, and you can re-orient it by click the "Re-orient" button. Once you click the "Re-orient" button, it will ask you to input the orientation of the CURRENT DISPLAYED image. After done, the PLS will display the image in RAS orientation. i.e. from Left to Right on X axes, from posterior to Anterior on Y axes, and from Inferior to Superior on Z axes. Q: Can I use a 4D NIfTI or ANALYZE image? A: Yes. For E.R.fMRI or Blocked fMRI modules, you can use a 4D image directly. For other modules, all you have to do is to run a small program called "expand_nii_scan.m" under command promot, and expand all the 3D scans in that 4D image into a directory. Q: Does PLS support ANT average binary data? A: Yes. The "load_ant.m" program in PLS is based on openlib library "" and other information in "avr.txt" file that are released by ANT technical support. Since January 2004, ANT's average data file has been changed, and the history section is included in its header. This info is not included in the ""; however, it is in the "avr.txt" file released by ANT's support people. Some people used "avr2asc" provided by ANT's EEProbe_3.3.120 to convert ANT's average data to plain text file. However, the disadvantage is that the "avr2asc" only supports new version of ANT's average data on Linux and Mac platforms, and does not work under MATLAB. Other programs relied on their "" (e.g. Robert Oostenveld's "read_eep_avr" that is used by EEGLAB) can only support old version, and they are compiled in mex or dll file. You must first use "avrstrip" in EEProbe_3.3.120 to convert your new version of ANT's average data to old version before you can use "read_eep_avr" to load them. My "load_ant.m" is the only explicit .m program so far (April 2007) that supports both old & new versions of ANT's average data file on any platform. Q: In my MEG data, the number of channels and their corresponding names do not match up with any of the pre-specified system. How can I read in my data when channel configuration and names do not match? A: Up to this version (5.0704231) We only have 4 scalp electrode location systems in PLS. They are the ones that we are using most frequently. There is a way to add any system by yourself, as long as you know the channel names with their corresponding x and y locations. Because PLS will normalize the locations to Xmin/Xmax and Ymin/Ymax, you don't need to worry about the exact locations. Here is the details of how to add a Standard 10-20 EEG System with 19 cap electrodes: 1. First step: Put all electrode names on a piece of grid paper, and make sure that they are spatially located appropriately. 2. Second step: Select an origin for XY coordinates. You can pick any point (on or off any electrode) as your origin. For example, Cz is a good selection, the most lower left grid also serves a good selection. 3. Third step: Use a ruler (or count the grid) to measure the x and y locations from the origin. 4. Forth step: Pick any of the 4 PLS electrode systems for your system. In PLS, each system is determined by a "erp_loc*.mat" MATLAB file. We have: erp_loc_besa148.mat (default) erp_loc_egi128.mat erp_loc_egi256.mat erp_loc_ctf150.mat Since "erp_loc_besa148.mat" is the default system for "Edit Channel Order" window, it will be convenient for you if you also pick this one. The whole idea is to write one of the four files above in your own PLS working directory. So PLS will pick the one in your own directory (the same directory for sessiondata file and result file), rather than the PLS applications directory. All four electrode system files in PLS contain two variables: 1. chan_nam (char array) - the number of rows is the number of channels; the number of columns is the longest length of the electrode names. 2. chan_loc (double array) - the number of rows is the number of channels; column one is for x values, and column two is for y values. For example: chan_nam=[ 'Fp1' 'Fp2' 'F7 ' 'F3 ' 'Fz ' 'F4 ' 'F8 ' 'T7 ' 'C3 ' 'Cz ' 'C4 ' 'T8 ' 'P7 ' 'P3 ' 'Pz ' 'P4 ' 'P8 ' 'O1 ' 'O2 '] chan_loc=[ -3 10 3 10 -8 6 -5 7 0 8 5 7 8 6 -10 0 -7 0 0 0 7 0 10 0 -8 -6 -5 -7 0 -8 5 -7 8 -6 -3 -10 3 -10] save erp_loc_besa148 chan_loc chan_nam Now you will use your own electrode system in "Edit Channel Order" window if you select "ERP/BESAThetaPhi" system. Q: I wrote a batch file to create fMRI datamat. I have five conditions and two runs. Since I set "across_run" keyword to "0" (merging data within each run), I will have ten conditions. I listed all 10 after 10 "cond_name" keywords. When I run the batch, I got error message saying "Index exceeds matrix dimensions". A: You can only list your five conditions after five "cond_name" keywords. This is because PLS applications will expand your 5 conditions in your 2 runs to something like Run1Cond1, ..., Run2Cond4, Run2Cond5, etc. Q: What should be the content of input file for "multiple voxel extraction"? I created a text file with 1 XYZ coordinate per row. However, I keep getting an error message. A: That's the correct content. However, please make sure that the XYZ coordinates should be in unit of millimeter (Note: we did use absolute voxel location before 15-SEP-2006). You can use script "xyz2xyzmm.m" to easily convert locations in voxel to locations in millimeter. Q: When I use the multiple voxel extraction, does it output the baseline-adjusted values or the raw image values? A: It outputs the baseline-adjusted value (from sessiondata.mat), and there is no raw image values kept. If you need raw image values, you have to load images by yourself, and extract only the voxels indexed by the XYZmm file you provided. Q: I would like to get intensity values at particular coordinates from the raw image. How do I load image and extract the voxel intensity from XYZmm file? A: Let's say your raw image is: filename = 'SCAN.img'; or filename = 'SCAN.nii'; and you would like to get the intensity values at particular coordinates from it. First, you need to load the image by yourself: A = load_nii(filename); Then, display the image: view_nii(A); Since you have already prepared XYZ(mm) in voxel file, you need to switch the selection of "Axes Unit" from "Voxel" to "Millimeter", and then enter each XYZmm value in "[X Y Z] at crosshair" field and click TAB key. The value displayed in "Value at crosshair" is the intensity value at the particular coordinate you entered. If you have many coordinates, you can use the simple script below to automatically extract intensity values list from locations list in your XYZmm file: I = []; xyz = xyzmm2xyz(xyzmm, result_file); for i = 1:size(xyz, 1) I = [I; A.img(xyz(i,1), xyz(i,2), xyz(i,3)]; end Q: In E.R.fMRI and Blocked fMRI datamat create window, what does the "Normalize data with ref.scans" check box mean? A: This check box is checked by default to remove the low frequency noises and scale the data. The formula for this check box is very simple: data = (data - ref_data) * 100 ./ ref_data This way, activity for each event is expressed as a percentage change from the reference scan (i.e. baseline) similar to what is done for ERP, where activity is expressed as a change from prestimulus baseline. Please keep this check box checked unless you have a good reason not to do so. Q: I have completed a group analysis with 7 subjects under 3 conditions (positive, negtive and neutral) using Non-Rotated Task PLS. When showing the result, how could I find the the values of latent vectors for design contrast? A: Click "Design Scores and LVs Plot" in the "Windows" menu of the result display window. The Design Scores for each latent variable reflect the impact of your contrast data. Q: In my result the "Brain LV" view is very different from the "Bootstrap Ratio" view with default threshold, and which view do I prefer to support my experiment result? A: The Bootstrap Ratio view gives you a "stability map", so you can focus on the high positve (or high negative) voxels in the Bootstrap Ratio view. "Brain LV" gives you a "activation map", so it is the one to support your experiment result. The positive (negative) values in "Brain LV" should be consistent with the one in Design Scores plot. Q: I have more than one runs in my MRI study. However, for some runs, I do not have all the conditions. How should I fill out the onset field? A: If you want to exclude certain conditions for certain runs, you can simply put a -1 for the onset field, (and put a 1 for the length of Blocked fMRI). Then in "Merge data" under session window, choose "Across All Runs" to create a datamat. Please ignore the command line message saying "Scans -01 not included due to out of bound". You cannot choose "Within each run only", since you do not have all the conditions filled for every runs. In additon, for each condition, you must have at least one valid onset (not -1) in one of your runs. Q: Why the results I obtained using Matlab 7 cannot be loaded under earlier version of Matlabs? A: In order to load results generated using Matlab 7 on earlier versions of Matlab, a special Matlab 7 switch must be included during the saving process. Since such a switch is not coded in the package, a small program called 'matlab7to5.m' is included to covert the .mat files generated from Matlab 7 to be loaded on earlier versions of Matlab that are above Matlab 5. Q: I got "divide by zero" error when I tried to run Behavior PLS analysis, while there is no error when I ran task PLS. A: There are two reasons that could bring you into this trouble: 1. You must have at least 3 subjects to do the behavior PLS. 2. Values should not be all the same for behavior data. Even if they are really all the same, you must add (or minus) an insignificant value to make it work. Q: Is there any restriction on file name? A: Yes, but not many. There are 2 kinds of major files that will be used in PLS applications. They are sessiondata file, and result file. The 2 major files must be in the forms of: *_MODULEsessiondata.mat *_MODULEresult.mat You can replace MODULE with any of PET, ERP, fMRI, BfMRI, or STRUCT depending which PLS method are you working on, and the dialogbox will always prompt you with the correct MODULE. You cannot insert your own string into the above forms and break it. However, you can always use your own string before "_MODULE", which is called "prefix" in PLS applications. I do not recommend you to use any blank space or symbol characters like "+ - * / % ^ $ ' ..." etc. inside the string. In addition, you should not rename the filename manually by yourself, since this will break the filename linkage stored inside the above major files. Q: When I opened the result file, it crashed and told me that the datamat file was unable to open. But I checked and the datamat files are there in my datamat directory. A: In the early version of PLS applications, we placed the datamat files location in the 'pls_data_path' variable. However, this also caused troubles when people tried to copy those datamat files from directory to directory, and even from one computer to the other. So we decided to use the "current directory" rather than the stored 'pls_data_path' variable for "Run PLS" window and "PLS result" window. Q: When I add or edit subject directory for ERP and PET, I saw an edit box called "Number of character for subject initial". What should I enter? A: For ERP and PET data, each subject has its own directory. Each raw data inside the subject directory stand for one conditions in this subject. The name of these files can be arbitrary; however, if you give "consistent naming across subjects", it will be convenience for you to match those conditions. Here is what the "consistent naming across subjects" means: 1. All subject files consist 2 parts, subject initial part and condition name part. e.g. SubjInit1_CondName1 2. Across all subject directories, the condition name part should be the same for the same condition. 3. Within each subject directory, the subject initial part should be the same for all conditions within this subject. Here is how to make this feature work for you: 1. Enter the length of the subject initials in the "Number of Characters for subject initial" box. (You can disable this feature by leaving this value as default -1) 2. Click Add or Edit button in the same window (Edit Subject Directory window), and a window called Subject Directory Detail will open. 3. Select one of subjects that will be used in this datamat group (Note: Remember to only select 1 subject this time). 4. If you have "consistent naming across subjects", you will notice that "File names are the same across subjects" check box is checked. Uncheck it to disable this feature. 5. Go to right hand side, select correct subject files that match the inputted conditions at their left side. Make sure that no subject file can be duplicated. 6. If you have multiple subjects in this group, you can now select the rest of subjects by holding Shift or Ctrl key combination while selecting (Note: You cannot do so before this step). 7. Click Done button when you finish, and return to "Session Information" window. Q: I received a "Subject file name convention is not consistent" message when I try to edit a subject. However, all my subject file name convention are consistent. Is this a bug? A: No, it is not a bug. When you edit a subject with "File name are the same across subjects" checkbox selected, the program expects that you are trying to use a different subject. You can manually do the mapping between subject files and input conditions by yourself. If the mapping you selected does not follow the other subjects you selected, the program will show such an error message. If you definitely need such a mapping, then the "consistent naming across subjects" rule cannot be kept, and you will have to uncheck the "File name are the same across subjects" checkbox. Q: All my subject files have consistent naming convention, and I also input the correct length in the "Number of Characters for subject initial" box. Why the "File names are the same across subjects" checkbox is grayed? A: Please check the following 2 possibilities: 1. All files under any subject directory should follow the "consistent naming across subjects" rule. If one of them does not follow this rule (e.g. WS_FTP.LOG), checkbox "File names are the same across subjects" will be grayed. 2. Don't let external program affects your subject initial. For example, there is a subject file with subject initial "S1" with length of 2 characters. When you normalize this file, it may become nS1 with length of 3 characters. You will have to rename the file name if this happened. Q: Does the letter case of the data file name matter? A: No. It is particularly designed for case insensitive. So you can call the first data file name "ERP_data1", and the second data file "erp_Data2". Q: I made some changes, but it disappeared. Why? A: Any changes you made on the edit box need to be recorded. This can be done by clicking ENTER key on your keyboard, or simply click anywhere else on the window to let the focus switch off from this edit box. If you did not let the focus switch off from this edit box, the change will not be recorded. Q: After deselect the conditions, why the behavior data I loaded before running analysis get lost? A: This is because rows of behavior data are determined by the conditions you selected. So, you need to load behavior data again after you deselect the conditions. Q: When I generate fMRI datamat, I got something like this: Scans 147 for the condition 3 of run1 are not included due to out of bound. Do you have any idea what this means? A: When you enter onset data, make sure they are in the range. In most case, you encounter this problem because the onset data you input exceeds the maximum range. The minmum value is started from 0. However, The maximum value you can enter is: Number_of_Scans - Temporal_Window_Size_if_fMRI - 1. e.g.: If you have 180 files, and window size is 8, the maximum value in onset data is 171. Q: What is the lag number? Is there anywhere I can enter lag values? A: In E.R.fMRI, lag number is the index of the temporal window, and it starts from 0. You decide the temporal window size in Generate ST Datamat window. The unit of temporal window size is scan, and its default value is 8. In "LagXYZ" field of result window, you can enter lag value, as well as XYZ coordinates in voxel. Q: I literarily counted those active voxels, why are they not listed in PLS cluster report? The two clusters in the cluster report are within the same cluster, why PLS separate them into two different clusters? The result of cluster report on one computer is totally different from the cluster report from the other one, but I have the same result file, and the same threshold. Why do I get the different results? A: In order to answer the questions, I have to describe the techniques used to generate cluster report. The author of the cluster report program uses a 3D 6-connected operator to recursively flood and fill the active voxels of the cluster. The MATLAB on each computer has different recursion limit, that's the reason you may expect different cluster report on different computers. Also because of the recursion limit, the flood and fill process may not complete, i.e. there are still active voxels in the cluster that have not been identified. That is the reason that some active voxels may not be listed in PLS cluster report. When cluster report program start the flood and fill from a different location, the new cluster may join one or more of the old clusters. In that case, all those clusters have to be combined together. However, if the new cluster cannot join the old cluster(s), it will look like an individual cluster, although it could be part of the other cluster. That is the reason that PLS may separate active voxels in the same cluster into different clusters.
Baycrest is an academic health sciences centre fully affiliated with the University of Toronto
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